Stormont Community Engagement Project exists to provide opportunities for the social, educational, recreational and creative development of children and young people from the
Stormont community and local environs.

We believe that by providing positive experiences for children and young people it will have an impact on the local community and in turn encourage them to give back to the local community when they are older.
In order to fulfil our aim were are committed to the following objectives;
Take on responsibility for the planning, funding and implementation of the Community Summer Scheme.
Organise Community Events.
Provide Training and Workshops for Parents and other stakeholders.
Organise other seasonal Community Schemes.
Help source funding for community projects.
Support Stormont Presbyterian Church in their Youth and Family Ministry Events.
The project is run by a small group of volunteers who oversee the running of the group, applying for funding and are responsible for the oversight of all the groups programs, policies and procedures. Membership of the committee is open to everyone and the committee is elected each year at the groups AGM in January.
Get in Touch:
2019 Committee
Heather Palmer
Hilary Tosh Stone
Sara McLaughlin
Sheila Stronge
We currently have no upcoming events